A full-stack developer based in India!
Sourav Singh Rawat
Learning-addict, Developer, Designer, and not-so-good singer

frostzt? Who?
He likes to devour books every morning and then sing in the evening. Amazingly he figured out that he had a crush on computers and electronics when he completely rekked his Dad's mobile phone by flashing a wrong ROM in it (SPOILER: He fixed it later). Born in India, He has a hunger for knowledge and just want to know more; interests ranging from History, Biology, and most of all Mathematics. And unfortunately he doesn't use Arch!
2000Born in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India.
2021Graduated in Bachelor's of Commerce with Computer Application from BT Institute of Excellence.
2016 to presentStarted working on frostzt!
2021 to presentLooking for opportunities and working on ideas!